Tag : catering Nashua

Reservations vs. Call Ahead

Today, we live in an age of instant gratification. We can order anything online and have it delivered to home at the touch of a button. With this ease, we have become a culture that hates to wait. Waiting is difficult enough as an adult, but when you add children into the mix, it becomes even harder because they have less patience than we do. The issue that is arising, though, is that many adults are running out of patience […]

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Technology Changes The Restaurant Industry

The old days of eating at a restaurant in NH are over. With the advancing of technology, we invent new devices to help with reservations and ordering. The changes in the industry are profound. When it comes to every aspect of the restaurant, many owners are working on finding new ways to integrate technology into their restaurant for benefits, not failures. However, technology can only go so far in an industry that has been reliable on human interaction from the […]

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How Dining Has Changed

There is always revolution going on in the restaurant industry. Much like many other industries, there are always new standards coming out as well as the new hype generated by chefs and restaurants around the world. As the years continue, more and more everyday things that associated with fine dining in NH will slowly disappear as we move towards a modern age of Ziosks and electronic ordering. Bon Appetit created an article that pointed out some of the changes that […]

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Foodies at Heart

There is not denying that those of us that love food know when food is good. There is mediocre food, good food, great food, and everything in between. It may take a while to figure out what appeals to you and what doesn’t, but when you are a food lover you know. At Stella Blu, we know what it takes to appeal to the food lovers as a restaurant in Nashua because we are food lovers. When it comes down […]

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